About Learning Pack
With this bite-sized learning pack, you will learn to easily write and recognise Chinese characters related to the themes below. The best part is you get to reinforce your learning through fun games and quizzes!
Suitable for: Beginner level - K1 / K2, Primary Level or anyone who has an interest in learning Chinese through bite-sized lessons.
Prerequisite: Knowledge in writing basic Chinese strokes
Themes Include:
- 比一比 - Comparison
- 自然界 - Nature
- 可爱的动物 - Animals
- 交通工具 - Transportation
- 我的家人 - My Family
Learning Pack Includes:
- Theme wall posters
- Printable worksheets
- Printable bonus worksheets
- Character stroke video
- Online writing practices
- Pronunciation of words
- Stroke order of words
- English translation of words
- Online games
- Online quiz